Saturday, October 22, 2011

On the Pervasiveness of God

When I was still a tyke our God, they said,

was everywhere and so I sought to know

how He could manage it. I thought in bed,

in school and play, Him racing to and fro

to be on top of things and hear our woes

immediately and hold us in his arms.

It can’t be done that way, I thought. Life goes

too fast for cosmic distances. The charms

of stars within our Milky Way alone

told me no brilliant architect would build

a world so hard to reach. He’d need a phone

with magic traits to tell us how he’d willed

us into being and shown how much he loves

us, everyone, and comes to our defense

without delay, and sparing nothing shoves

our pain aside before it gets intense.

At last I got it, almost all at once:

He permeates all space, including us.

I found myself at last a happy dunce.

Christ lives in me; no need for travel fuss.